How to Feel Joyful


(7 Ways to Boost Happiness)

Daily Activities

  1. Select joy

The most crucial realization regarding happiness is that it does not depend on the state of

affairs at the moment. On the other hand, contentment is a decision. Does this get easier or

harder some days? Indeed. You can never, ever be happy, though, if you fall into the trap of

believing that you must first change your circumstances in order to be happy.

  1. Concentrate on the positive

You have family and friends, food, shelter, health, and daily opportunities to engage in

worthwhile work are all positive aspects of your current situation. While some of those may not

apply to you right now, at least some of them do, which suggests that you have positive aspects

of your life to concentrate on.

Perspective is key to happiness, therefore if you’re looking for causes to be joyful, you'll most

likely find them. Those that are happy concentrate on good ideas.

  1. Give up comparing

Comparison will rob you of happiness, regardless of how you choose to define it. There are no

victors in the comparison game, regardless of what we compare: our money, our shoe size, our

trips, our abilities, our body type, or our house size. The good news is that no one is pressuring

you to play! You are free to end at any moment. Stop comparing yourself to other people and

Instead, be happy with what you have and who you are. Work hard every day to live your best


  1. Practice being kind and appreciative

Whenever the topic of happiness is examined in the field of positive psychology, a few themes

always surface. Among those recurrent themes are charity and thankfulness.

which, in order to be properly understood, must be viewed as disciplines as opposed to

reactions. A discipline is something we always practice, no matter what. You will never be able

to become generous if you are waiting to accumulate enough money. Similarly, you will never


be able to feel thankful if you are waiting for everything to be ideal before you can be thankful.

Make the decision to be grateful today. And make the decision to give freely of both money and

time. You will be happy today and tomorrow if you make them both a discipline in your life.

  1. Avoid pursuing material possessions

Although having possessions is essential for survival, our culture seems to conflate materialism

with contentment. Marketers put a lot of effort into persuading us that their goods are necessary

for enjoyment as well as for survival.

We waste our lives chasing unsatisfactory goals and eventually start to accept their hollow

promises. We give up money, time, energy, and concentration in an attempt to pursue and

acquire items we do not require.

These unnecessary belongings make our life more burdensome, stressful, and anxious. Do you

want to feel a little happier right now? Start by clearing out a drawer or closet to begin resisting

consumerism in your daily life.

  1. Create wholesome routines

Days fill our lives, and hours fill our days, and this hour is filled with whatever you have chosen

to fill it with. Thus, strive for good behaviors that will prolong your days, hours, and life.

Go outside and spend some time. Consume a balanced diet. Engage in regular exercise. Give

smoking. Set your phone down. Reduce your obsession. Put up a lot of effort at work. Pray a

a lot. In addition, get adequate rest.

  1. Look beyond yourself

It is in our nature to seek our own interests. It is not necessary to urge us to look out for our own

interests. As though it were ingrained in our DNA, we strive for self-actualization, self-promotion,

self-survival, and self-exaltation.

The best method to achieve long-term contentment and satisfaction, however, is to consider

other peoples interests in addition to your own. Living with less self-centeredness allows us to

make more meaningful and significant contributions to the world. We witness the beauty of

unselfish love when we help others without thinking about what we might get in return.

Happiness and the size of the universe both start to grow exponentially.

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